Creative musings in bright colors

Best Nail Art of 2015

I had timed posts going up last week (since I was on vacation) so I thought today was fitting to post my favorite nail art from the past year! I tried to get it down to 15 designs, but I ended up at 17. So lets pretend there are two honorable mentions or something.

The post won’t let me insert individual links, but you guys can go to my “favorites” page where all these have been added, with a link back to their original posts.

Which was your favorite?? 😀 I am partial to the nerdy ones (aka the last row in this post…with Mario, the Avengers, and Star Wars)

Comments on: "Best Nail Art of 2015" (5)

  1. My favorites are The Avengers, the bookworm, the grapes, and Star Wars themed nails.

  2. So many amazing designs. I loved your Star Wars nails and copied your BB8 recently. I’d love to do some twin nails with you some day.

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