Creative musings in bright colors

Nerdtastic Tuesday 7: R2D2

For Halloween, my boyfriend and I dressed as R2D2 and C3P0. Of course, I had to do my nails appropriately! I present to you: R2D2.


These nails took 1.5 hours. That is the longest I have spent in quite a while…and I think it was worth it! I have a tutorial at the bottom of this post if you want to check it out!


I started with a silver base…A England Excalibur. This was a polish I never wanted, but it came in a set that I got on sale. How is it that the polishes I get as a byproduct of the ones I want are ALWAYS the ones I use most? I think this is overall one of my most used polishes. Crazy.


Anyway. To get the clean blue central line and the white border, I used striping tape. Everything else was free-handed (hence the long time).


I wanted to make my R2D2 nails as accurate as I could, so I kept running from the bathroom to my bedroom to look at images from the movie! My boyfriend was thrilled :-p



  • Silver: A England – Excalibur
  • White: Sinful Colors – Snow me White
  • Blue: Sinful Colors – Endless Blue
  • Red: Pure Ice – Siren
  • Dark silver: Nails Inc – Trafalger Square

R2D2 Tutorial

  1. Using two pieces of striping tape, tape off a thin line in the middle of the nail.
  2. Paint the area between the two pieces of tape blue, paint the tip of the nail white.
  3. QUICKLY remove the tape! (Especially if you are using Sinful Colors – Endless Blue. Amazing color, but dries too fast for its own good!)
  4. Paint on a rhomboid (larger end towards the bottom) with blue polish at the top of the silver part of the nail.
  5. Paint 5 rectangles using blue polish, one of them just off-center slightly larger than the others. Make sure to leave a gap next to the larger rectangle.
  6. Using grey metallic polish and a dotting tool, add a large dot in the center of the blue rhomboid and in the empty spot in the line of blue rectangles (see the image in Step 5 and Step 6). Also add two very small dots to the bottom of the blue rhomboid.
  7. Add a large red dot to the center of the large rectangle.
  8. Add three thin parallel blue lines that cover the middle half of the white portion of the nail
  9. Draw one thicker blue line perpendicular to the ones you drew in Step 8. Then outline (in black) two larger rectangles perpendicular to the parallel lines from Step 8 (one on each side) and two smaller ones towards the center. If you are confused, look at the picture. Or look up R2D2 online :-). Top coat and voila!

I am really quite proud of these. Hope you enjoy!

Comments on: "Nerdtastic Tuesday 7: R2D2" (24)

  1. Kelley @ Deliciously UnPolished said:

    Holy cow, awesome job!! I wish I had the patience, and steady hands, to do nail art like you do! 😀

  2. hehe!! I’m pinning this tutorial! so cute!

  3. Such a sweet mani. Thank you for the tutorial. I may try it at some point.

  4. Sooooooooooooooo cool! Very exact! I ❤ R2D2 😀

  5. This is really awesome! Thank you for the tutorial, I may try it and after some practice, if it comes out well, I’ll show it to my husband, he will appreciate it 😀

  6. Fantastic paint job! Perfect mani!

  7. oh my gosh, these are amazing. I am so enjoying your nerdy posts. yay nerds!

  8. Love this! You did an awesome job.

  9. Oh wow! I think my inner geek is doing a happy Star Wars dance! 🙂

  10. Oh my gosh, these are amazing!

  11. […] Why not go the extra mile and dress up right down to your nails. Tutorials can be found @ Flight of Whismy […]

  12. […] awesome) manicure: all the droids! I have done C3P0 and R2D2 before (you can find them here and here with tutorials for each), but I hadn’t done BB-8, and I couldn’t find any good BB-8 […]

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