Creative musings in bright colors

Lava Nails

I really HATE yellow. The color makes me think of sick and sadness. I guess thats what happens when you’re mildly synesthetic? Anyway. So, today was yellow day, and I had to come up with something cool DESPITE the color requirement! I ran into an awesome mani by Dutchnailss and decided to follow her wonderful youtube tutorial!


For all that I had to start by painting my nails yellow, this does look cool. Lava! Volcanoes! EXPLOSIONS! And making the rock textured was rather genius of Dutchnailss.


~ Yellow: WOW – #301
~ Orange: Zoya – Thandie
~ Red: Pure Ice – Siren
~ Black: Sinful Colors – Black on Black
~ Black textured: OPI – Emotions


Maybe one day I’ll actually use acrylic paint and not polish for everything, and manage to get super tiny lines. That day is not today!


Hope you enjoyed! Today’s nails ended up with a color scheme remarkably smilier to yesterdays, go figure!



Comments on: "Lava Nails" (16)

  1. These are amazing, they turned out really well. And don’t worry I still use polish for everything! Everyone seems to get really amazing results with paint, but I think it takes more skill to do it in polish ;p everyone can paint with paint, but not everyone can paint with polish sorta thing?… (Am I being mean….)

    • (p.s I totally wasn’t meaning that you can’t paint with polish, I realise the addition of ‘am I being mean’ sounded as if I was insulting you. But I was actually more concerned in case I sound like ‘I’m not painting with paint so that’s why my nail art is worse’ jealousy sort of thing.

    • Hahahahahhaa ❤ thats the best comment ever. Maybe, but I feel vindictive when I do everything in polish too, so you're in good company!

  2. These are inspired! I cannot love them enough!

  3. wowser ! these are amazing

  4. These look so stunning!

  5. OMG I love them 😀

  6. omg!!!!!!!!! coolest thing ever ❤

  7. Amazing design and you painted it beautifully.

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