Creative musings in bright colors

Banded Hearts

This was created using only polishes from the Darling Diva Diamond collection. All of them are wonderfully opaque…but it turns out some of them dry too fast to stamp well! I don’t know how I had such success stamping with Chocolate Diamond, because Pink Diamond and Rose Diamond were a headache.


My base is one coat (yes, one!) of Diamond or Rose Diamond. I have to say, Diamond is pretty but not unique among silver faintly holographic polishes…but Rose Diamond is beautiful. A deep berry pink that glows. Love.


I then tried to stamp with Pink Diamond (a light pink polish)…and it half worked. I ended up going in and adding dots by hand. I then tried to stamp through the middle with Rose Diamond, and it was having none of it. Most of what you see is free-hand, which I was hoping to not have to deal with since I was using my left hand and it was past midnight! Argh. Polish woes.


I’m actually proudest of my thumb…somehow, I made a perfect heart using my left hand AND managed to outline it with tiny beads!



There will be more holiday manicures, and they will be better. I hope. I need to find a way to stamp with these polishes though, they are just so perfect! Other than apparently drying TOO fast! Who knew, that would be an issue?


Comments on: "Banded Hearts" (5)

  1. how cute! i love these!

  2. Gorgeous polishes. And I absolutely love the beaded hearts – the one on your thumb looks so perfect and neat.

  3. perfection! love these colors!

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