Creative musings in bright colors

Cacophony of Color: Red

Ladies, and whatever odd gentleman has somehow managed to stubble on this blog (sorry!), today, for the first time in months, you get to see BOTH my hands! A friend of mine is getting married shortly, and I am going to be doing all the bridesmaids nails. The dress is red…so I decided to test out all of my red polishes and see which matched. (This not a nail art post…but I thought it was worthy of posting. If you want nail art, check back every day in September! I’ll be taking part in Chalkboard Nail’s 31-day challenge)



As it turns out, I have exactly 10 red polishes (go figure) and I might as well do a comparison post!


Out of all 10 polishes, I only have one dupe, or near dupe. My left hand has the metallics and lighter reds, while my right hand was given the glitters and darker reds.


Honestly, Isla and Forever Festive are almost identical. Forever Festive is slightly darker (or more blackened), but I certainly don’t need both polishes! Oops. I just love deep red glowing polish!


I don’t yet know what the verdict is on which color I should paint all the nails, but I will say that I love my reds! I think Blaze remains my favorite, but some of these are just beautiful. Any favorite reds out there?


If you like this type of post let me know…I have enough purples, teals, light blues….and I dunno probably golds to do a similar comparison. Happy weekend!

Comments on: "Cacophony of Color: Red" (11)

  1. Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous! What beautiful reds 🙂

  2. Ooh! Cant wait to see your 31 days of nail art!

  3. I love Zoya-Blaze and Zoya-Isla the most. I bet you’ll look fab with your red dress and your red nails. Have fun!

  4. Omg how can a girl decide there…..not sure but i think i would go with Zoya Blaze.

  5. […] the classy red polish  type, you might like the solution that Flight Of Whimsy is sharing in her {Selection of red’s}. There you have different kind of swatches. Everything from light red’s, metallics, dark […]

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